January 15, 2009
Greetings Chapter 7 Members,
It is an honor to have been asked to lead the Chapter this year and I Thank You for your vote of confidence. For those who do not know me- I am a Nicholls State Alumnae, have been in Respiratory for the past 20 years (boy, time sure does fly) and currently work for Assumption Community Hospital in Napoleonville, LA. I previously worked for Lakewood Medical Center (Teche), TGMC and TRMC.
I look forward to 2009 and hope that together as a chapter we can promote our profession, rebuild friendships and hopefully have FUN doing it! Our local chapter gives us a voice and that voice is more important than ever in these uncertain times. That voice makes its way from the local level (Chapter7), to the state level (LSRC), to the national level (AARC) and ultimately to Washington D.C. via representatives and our Lobbyist.
This year we are very excited about our voice from the South-as we congratulate Raymond Pisani, BS, RRT, NPS on his election to President-Elect of the LSRC. Raymond is the Director of Cardiopulmonary Care and Sleep Disorder Center at Teche Regional Medical Center. He has been working on behalf of our Bayou Region and at the State level for many years and we wish him much success as he leads our State Society!
I would like to Thank Mike Folse, our outgoing Bayou Chapter 7 President for his past service to our Chapter and also wish him much success as Industrial Representative(Sepracor) for the LSRC.
Also special thanks to Jessica Adams, Mark Voisin, Warren Arboneaux and Raymond Pisani for offering your help to the chapter this year.
The LSRC will hold its first meeting for 2009 on Feb. 6th in Lafayette. Our LSRC President – Ashley Dulle, BS,RRT,AE-C is already gearing up for what looks like an exciting year for our society! She wants to know- what activities/meetings our members would like to see? Our first Bayou Chapter Meeting will be in March (date TBA). We will discuss some of the goals for the Chapter this year.
• Increase membership and chapter participation
• Offer CEU’s to our members
• A New Bayou Chapter 7 Website
• Increase Chapter Funds
• Socialize and have some fun! (We know how to do this!)
In the meantime, I would like to encourage all RCP’s to spread the word and promote our profession by joining the AARC. Take advantage of the opportunities to further educate yourself by having access to the journals, magazines, newsletters and websites available. Also take advantage of the CEU’s, conferences and seminars.
For those new to the profession- when you join the AARC you subsequently become a member of the LSRC and our local Bayou Chapter 7. www.aarc.org , www.lsrc.net , and (new) www.bayouregionrts.webs.com
I look forward to representing you this year and will keep you posted of upcoming meetings and events. I hope you will feel free to contact me via e-mail if needed rpgaudet161@yahoo.com
Thanks for your Support,
Robin Gaudet, BS, RRT
Bayou Chapter 7 President